Source code for imperfecto.algos.cfr

"""The implementation of Counterfactual regret minimization (CFR) algorithm.
(Zinkevich et al. "Regret minimization in games with incomplete information" 2008)

CFR is a **self-play** algorithm that assumes that the joint strategy of all players in the game is
public knowledge. The algorithm iteratively updates the regret of each player's action at each
information set. The average strategy of each player in CFR provably converges to a Nash equilibrium.

Counterfactual regrets are calculated by searching down the game tree, taking into account the
reach probabilities.

Reach probabilities are factored in since the nodes in one's player infostate might belong to
different infostates of their opponent. Therefore, not every node (history) in the infostate is
equally likely to be reached, so the reach probs should be taken into account to skew the action
distribution at that infostate appropriately.

The cfr formulation looks similar to the advantage function in RL Q-learning.

from enum import IntEnum
import logging
from typing import List, Sequence

import numpy as np
import numpy as np

import enlighten
from imperfecto.algos.player import Player
from imperfecto.algos.regret_matching import RegretMatchingPlayer

[docs]class CounterFactualRegretMinimizerPlayer(Player): """CounterFactualRegretMinimizerPlayer. Args: name: name of the player. player_id: id of the player. Attributes: player_id (int): the player id of this player in the game. cum_regrets (dict): map from infostate to a regret vector of size n_actions. strategy_sum (dict): map from infostate to the cumulative strategy at that infostate until now. Useful for calculating the average strategy over many iters. strategy (dict): map from instostate to np.array of shape (n_actions,). """ def __init__(self, name: str, player_id: int): super().__init__(name) self.player_id = player_id self.cum_regrets = {} self.strategy_sum = {} self.strategy = {}
[docs] def update_strategy(self, history: Sequence[IntEnum], player_id: int): del player_id infostate = cum_regrets = self.cum_regrets[infostate] self.strategy[infostate] = RegretMatchingPlayer.regret_matching_strategy( cum_regrets)
[docs] def get_avg_strategies(self) -> dict: """Returns the average strategy of the player at each infostate. Returns: map from infostate to the average strategy at that infostate. """ avg_strats = {} for infostate, strat_sum in self.strategy_sum.items(): avg_strats[infostate] = RegretMatchingPlayer.regret_matching_strategy( strat_sum) return avg_strats
[docs]class counterfactualRegretMinimizerTrainer: """ CFR with chance-sampling. CFR (Zinkevich et al. "Regret minimization in games with incomplete information" 2008) is a self-play algorithm that assumes that the joint strategy of all players in the game is public knowledge. The algorithm iteratively updates the regret of each player's action at each information set. The average strategy of each player in CFR provably converges to a Nash equilibrium. Args: Game (Type[ExtensiveFormGame]): the game class to be trained. players: the players in the game, each of type ``CounterFactualRegretMinimizerPlayer``. n_iters: number of iterations to run the algorithm. Attributes: game (ExtensiveFormGame): the game to train on. n_iters (int): the number of iterations to run CFR for. """ def __init__(self, Game, players: Sequence[CounterFactualRegretMinimizerPlayer], n_iters: int = 100): = Game(players) self.n_iters = n_iters
[docs] def cfr(self, history: List[IntEnum], reach_probs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Counterfactual regret minimization update step at the current node. CFR is quite similar to advantage function in classic Q-learning. For example, * node_utils ~ V(s) * counterfactual_values ~ Q(s, a) * regret ~ advantage function: Q(s, a) - V(s) Args: history: list of actions taken so far (current node) reach_probs: array of shape game.n_players. The reach probabilities for the current infostate (current node) played by the players' joint strategy. Returns: the utility (expected payoff) of the current node for each player. """ if return np.array( active_player = active_player_id = active_player.player_id infostate = # create cum_regrets for the current infostate if it doesn't exist if infostate not in active_player.cum_regrets: active_player.cum_regrets[infostate] = np.zeros( len( if infostate not in active_player.strategy: active_player.strategy[infostate] = np.zeros( len( cur_policy = active_player.strategy[infostate] counterfactual_values = np.zeros( shape=(, len( node_utils = np.zeros( for action in new_reach_probs = reach_probs.copy() new_reach_probs[active_player_id] *= cur_policy[int(action)] counterfactual_values[:, action.value] = self.cfr( history + [action], new_reach_probs) for player_id in range( # dot product node_utils[player_id] = cur_policy @ counterfactual_values[player_id, :] # note that regrets for this node are weighted by reach_probability # assuming that the current player always plays to reach this infostate # discount = prod of reach_probs except the active_player_id entry discount =[:active_player_id]) * \[active_player_id + 1:]) regrets = (counterfactual_values[active_player_id, :] - node_utils[active_player_id]) * discount # update cumulative regrets, which affect the policy active_player.cum_regrets[infostate] += regrets active_player.update_strategy(history, active_player_id) # update strategy_sum if infostate not in active_player.strategy_sum: active_player.strategy_sum[infostate] = np.zeros( len( active_player.strategy_sum[infostate] += reach_probs[active_player_id] * cur_policy logging.debug( f"{' ' * 6} {}\t" f"{np.array2string(reach_probs, precision=2, suppress_small=True):15} {} \t\t" f"{}\t" f"{np.array2string(counterfactual_values[active_player_id] - node_utils[active_player_id], precision=2, suppress_small=True):15}" f"\t {np.array2string(cur_policy, precision=2, suppress_small=True)}") return node_utils
[docs] def train(self) -> None: """Train the game using CFR for `n_iters` iterations.""" utils = np.zeros( manager = enlighten.get_manager() pbar = manager.counter( total=self.n_iters, desc=f'CFR/{}:', unit='ticks') logging.debug( 'iter | hist | reach_prob | active_player | infostate | regrets \t| policy') logging.debug('-' * 82) for i in range(self.n_iters): logging.debug(i) history = [] if hasattr(, "has_chance_player") and history = [] utils += self.cfr(history, np.ones(len( pbar.update() logging.debug('-' * 82) avg_strats = {player: player.get_avg_strategies() for player in} num_spaces = 2 * len( f"info_set | avg_policy {' ' * num_spaces}| avg_regrets")'-' * 82) for player in for info_set in player.cum_regrets: f"{} {np.array2string(avg_strats[player][info_set], precision=2, suppress_small=True):{4 * num_spaces}}" f"{np.array2string(player.cum_regrets[info_set]/self.n_iters, precision=2, suppress_small=True):{4 * num_spaces}}")'-' * 82) f"Average utilities for Game {} over {self.n_iters} iters: {np.array2string(utils/self.n_iters, precision=3, suppress_small=True)}")
""" See and OpenSpiel's external sampling CFR: Outcome & external sampling: """